That Nagging Feeling

So, all my life I’ve tried to figure out my calling. Yes, yes, motherhood. Check. Wife. Check. Work. Check.  But something was still missing. Then I had my world rocked to its core when my husband died unexpectedly. I was lost. Now what? My purpose was gone. My norm was gone. Then my inlaws took me and my kids to Disney. And they wanted me to plan it. Because they knew how much I loved Disney. Now, Disney has always been my happy place from the first time I saw that castle in 1978. But when we got there, my heart was full of so many feelings. Happy that I was there. Happy to be at the house of mouse. But sad to be “alone”, a single mom, experiencing something so fun for my kids but heartbreaking as well that their dad couldn’t see them in this magical place. I cried when my 5 year old daughter went to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. The tears just flowed. I couldn’t stop them. I must have looked crazy. But there was relief as well. I watched as my kids experienced all the parks and magic. I took it all in and I finally breathed.

When we returned, my mother in law said to me, “You were meticulous in planning such a wonderful trip for all of us. You should do this for a living.” And there it was. It hit me. Hard. Yes. I could do this. And so I did. And I planned wonderful, magical trips for other families. I volunteered for a nonprofit that provided trips to families who had lost a spouse and mother or father. I felt my purpose had returned. But there was this nagging feeling that there was more. And so here I am extending my knowledge and love of Disney. News, stories, photos, and fun. In the midst of darkness there is always light. And that’s what I hope you find here. Light, happiness and a little magic.

So, tell me, do you tend to follow your head or your heart? Let us know in the comments below!

See ya real soon!


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About Michele Hartley

I am a self professed (and professed by anyone who knows me) Disney Purist and Fanatic. Friends and family probably think I cant speak about anything else...and maybe they're right, but why would I even try??? I firmly believe that being born the year Walt Disney World opened, created a 6th sense in me. I can spot a Disney fan a mile away and can immediately tell you the difference between a Mickey waffle and a regular waffle. Blindfolded. I figured after my years in Public Relations and Marketing and then becoming a Travel Agent specializing in Disney, I might as well blog about the subject nearest and dearest to my heart. They say write what you know, so here I am!
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